the bistro off broadway

Members present to receive their degree were: (Front L to R) Tristan Keckler, Dakota Kendig,
Ashlyn Miller, Emilie Fout, Kaitlyn Toy, Troy Thacker, (2nd Row L to R) Sean Trogden,
Gabe Snyder, Hannah Smith, Ava Gilbert, Kaylee Flatter, Ashton Eikenberry; (Back Row L to R)
Jacob Flayer, Payton Stout, Nathan Koller, Ayden Hess, Blake Weaver, Andrew Byrd,
Luke Henninger, and Brady Lock.

Arcanum MVCTC FFA Welcomes New Members

On November 17th the Arcanum MVCTC FFA welcomed its new members during the Greenhand Degree Ceremonies. The ceremony was held during the regular November Meeting.  The Ceremony was highlighted by Chapter President Landon Haney and Chapter Advisor Mr. Pohlman presenting recipients with the Bronze Greenhand FFA Degrees.

To be eligible to receive the Greenhand FFA Degree from the chapter, a member must meet the following minimum qualifications: Be enrolled in agricultural education and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program.  Learn and explain the FFA Creed, motto, salute and FFA Mission Statement.  Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.  Demonstrate a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket. Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities. Personally own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.  Finally they must submit a written application for the Greenhand Degree.

The Arcanum MVCTC FFA Officer Team would like to congratulate the new members and wish them well in their FFA Careers.

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