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Along Life’s Way
Hero or Zero?
By Lois E. Wilson
In a worldwide crisis like the coronavirus is causing, there arise unsung heroes. They do not choose to become heroes, but they definitely are. In this health fight to save lives, find treatments, equipment and facilities, develop cures and vaccines, we see many risking their own health, doing their best to lend their skills, finances, and time to the effort. We applaud them. We know bravery when we see it.
Most politicians recognize the gravity of the situation and put aside their party’s aspirations to give their full support by working together to solve problems of need, distribution of aid, and manpower.
Miami Mayor, Francis Suarez, who has now recovered from the coronavirus, was the first COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor in Florida.  He urged, “I have a moral responsibility to do this. My plasma donation has the potential to help a coronavirus patient recover. I want this to be a call to action for other people who have recovered from the coronavirus to follow in my footsteps.”
Unfortunately there are always a few who are committed to hyper partisanship. Regarding the President’s approach to solving COVID-19 problems, House Speaker Pelosi recently accused, “As the President fiddles, people are dying.” Her pronouncement seems hypocritical in that she supports abortion of babies whenever she can—even within the recent relief bill to ease the pandemic’s impact on the finances of American families. Is God testing us, as He has done before, by sending us babies who may be the future saviors of the world—who will bring peace and cures to a stricken humanity, and we reject them?
Now in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, U.S. Representative Adam Schiff is proposing a commission with subpoena powers to investigate it. His previous attempts to rid the country of President Trump resulted in nothing. They did divert the country’s attention at a time when COVID-19 was beginning to infect the world.
One of the definitions of “zero” in the dictionary states: “An insignificant person or thing.” Some of our politicians keep trying to nullify the people’s will in favor of imposing their own. They are more obvious with each of their ploys. They are declining, down, down, down to becoming zeros.
We constituents are awakening. We know the difference between a “hero” and a “zero.” We are watching and keeping alert. We must not fall into the zeros’ traps. Every time they do not put the positive goals of our country before their own goals for power, we will exercise our rights and try to correct the situation.
In the meantime, let’s root for and honor the many individuals and groups now stepping forward to unselfishly serve, heal, and provide the needs of our country. May God bless them all—they are the true heroes of today!

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