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Education Dive
Travel advisories add another hurdle to reopening campuses
Colleges in states with quarantine orders or recommendations are asking students to self-isolate, but doing so comes with trade-offs.
Natalie Schwartz
July 23, 2020

As colleges prepare for the fall, some are dealing with yet another barrier to bringing students back to campus. Around one-third of U.S. states have quarantine orders or recommendations affecting certain groups of people entering their borders, according to one count.

While several states merely recommend that certain out-of-state visitors quarantine upon arrival, others are mandating they do so and have penalties for noncompliance. And such orders could affect colleges, which may need to give students time and space to quarantine or test them for the coronavirus.

New York, which was besieged by the virus early in the pandemic, is ordering people coming from 31 other states as of Thursday to quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival. People flying in from designated states must fill out a health form or risk a $2,000 fine.

In response, Ithaca College told out-of-state students impacted by the advisory to study remotely until their respective states are removed from the list. Officials said they don't have the resources to quarantine a large number of students, the Ithaca Journal reported.

Meanwhile, nearby Cornell University is preparing to welcome back its out-of-state students, though it doesn't yet know how many will be impacted by the advisory, a spokesperson for the college wrote in an email.

Cornell is asking residential students to arrive in New York by August 17, more than two weeks before classes resume. The university will provide students planning to live on campus with a quarantine location and meals, the spokesperson said, adding that the situation is "fluid" and that the school will "communicate changes broadly as we become aware of them."

Off-campus students, on the other hand, are being asked to quarantine at their residence and schedule a coronavirus test before they arrive on campus. Cornell is partnering with a local healthcare provider to administer tests this fall.

"Even though states are putting the 14-day quarantines up, there are big questions about how it'd be enforced on a campus and for students who live off campus."

Well-heeled colleges, such as Cornell, will likely have more space and resources to accommodate students impacted by travel restrictions, said Brendan Cantwell, an education professor at Michigan State University.

But it also comes down to the trade-offs a college is willing to make, he added. "If you decide to provide quarantine space for students, then what you're saying is that space is not available for something else," such as housing, he said.

Pennsylvania has a similar travel advisory, which asks out-of-state visitors from states with high levels of coronavirus cases to quarantine for two weeks upon arriving.

The University of Pittsburgh is asking residential students to quarantine for seven days before moving into campus housing, where they'll be expected to isolate for another week. Meanwhile, the public university is urging off-campus students to shelter in place for two weeks before coming onto campus.

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