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Along Life’s Way
From Doubt to Decision
By Lois E. Wilson
When we doubt, we are being skeptical or uncertain. We may not have enough information to make decisions based upon the actualities of a situation..
There is the story of the person who couldn’t decide which of two available seats looked more comfortable. His indecisiveness caused him to hesitate so long that he missed the chance to sit on either. So he had to sit on the floor. He let his uncertainty paralyze his action; he lost his opportunity.
John Foster observed: “A man without decision can never be said to belong to himself; he is as a wave of the sea, or a feather in the air which every breeze blows about us.”
Lord Greville claimed, “Human knowledge is the parent of doubt.” One might also say that human knowledge is the child of doubt. Francis Bacon put it this way: “In contemplation, if a man begins with certainties he shall end in doubts; but if he be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.”
At all stages of life, we have important decisions to make. Young adults must decide whether they want to go to college and where. They usually decide on a life-partner, where to settle, whether to buy a home—we all are faced with many important decisions.
Seeds of doubt may scatter around us. They might take root and sprout into uncertainties which continue to grow into a doubt tree. It is not beneficial to let indecision become habitual.
Doubts can be the motivations which spur us to search. We strive to find facts to support any decision we are considering. The doubt tree develops a trunk which sends forth branches. The branches could be called: research, observation, knowledge, exploration, and insight.
If we are serious about making wise decisions, these branches can be routes to solving our indecisiveness. Our goal can be to discover pieces of certainty and put them together to form the fruit of the doubt tree—truth.
Dealing with our doubts creates for us confidence; our doubts change chance into purposeful decision. We no longer whirl at the whim of the wind—we are wisely traveling toward our chosen destination. It is rewarding—decision is becoming a habit!

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