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Along Life’s Way
Special Gifts
By Lois E. Wilson
Over the years, watching life unfold and how people react to it, I have come to the conclusion that we have all been given special gifts—these could be called talents. There have been many studies to determine whether the person we become is primarily due to nature (inherited attributes) or nurture (acquired attributes). Findings are disputed as to which is more important.
1 James 1:17 (AV) states “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.” The gifts can be different skills: athletic, intellectual, creative, mechanical, or many others. They may be something as simple as the ability to make another feel comfortable and make them smile.
We are fortunate if we discover our special gifts early in life. If we do they can be the basis for making wise choices in activities and careers. They can be motivations for exploring opportunities and developing our talents. The old saying, “Practice makes perfect,” comes into focus and gives us the gift of direction. We start our life’s quest as in this 1960 verse of mine:
                                    Search for life.
                                    Expand the senses.
                                    Awake awareness.
                                    Expunge inhibitions.
                                    Explore the universe.
                                         Each fleeting moment.     
                                         Each finite molecule.
                                    Enlarge horizons.
                                    Seek, search
                                         For the truth
                                         Of existence.
                                    Use your gifts, live!
You may not find what your special gifts are until later in life. Do not be afraid to acknowledge them; there is still time, and it is rewarding to develop them. It can be the gift of a new-found interest or an ability which you have avoided or denied for years. You might discover that you have teaching skills and find satisfaction in volunteering. You are a source; sharing your life-experiences with adults and children can be of benefit to all.
Samuel Johnson observed: “Let those that desire to see others happy, make haste to give while the gift can be enjoyed, and remember that every moment of delay takes away something from the value of their benefaction.”  As I remember my Mother, I thank her for the special gifts she gave to me—they have guided me and made each day of my life richer. Pass your special God-given gifts forward; they are your blessings to share.

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