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Along Life’s Way
Being Resourceful
By Lois E. Wilson

As I read several articles in my Sunday morning paper, I realized that COVID-19 is the impetus for something positive. It is making us all become more resourceful in our daily lives.

“Resourcefulness” is defined as the ability to meet new situations and the capability to devise or find quick and clear ways to overcome difficulties.  One could say that it creates and calls to action pioneers in an area in need of solutions.

The virus has forced us to consider how we will restructure and carry out important events in our lives. In the educational field, it has resulted in conducting classes online and devising ways to hold virtual performances, proms, and graduations. Some families have held home-based graduation ceremonies captured on tape to provide memories for the honoree. These are examples of people being resourceful.

Needs for protective wear for health care givers has led to the creation of masks and other face coverings from materials at hand. Sanitizing products have been created from scratch. Some companies specializing in other products quickly converted their operations to help fulfill the urgent call.

Need for space to isolate COVID-19 patients spurred the creation of temporary hospital facilities in appropriate buildings. Military hospital ships were made available and sent to “hot spots” of the infection. Individuals invented ways to use available equipment more safely, beneficially, and easily. These show resourcefulness.

Restaurants and groceries expanded their delivery and drive-thru options. There are drive-thru weddings. Neighborhoods are having parades of decorated cars to celebrate special events such as birthdays.

Several doctors use the term “physical distancing” and say that it is the preferred term. This seems logical; one can still be social with companions but at a physical distance.

The sports world is trying to address the manner in which it can safely hold events and still protect the participants and public. I have seen some sports resume with new rules of conduct and contact. Negotiations with players and ruling organizations are in progress. Liability in all situations is an issue.

Whatever the year brings, one thing is certain. Resourcefulness is an excellent and necessary trait for those of any age to learn. It can be life-saving and is a key to success. We must not be afraid to rise to the occasion. Often the solution to a problem lies within us.

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