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Along Life’s Way
LOL ? Not Me!
By Lois E. Wilson
I do not do texting. Since I first saw the letters “LOL,” they have not meant “Laugh Out Loud” to me. They mean “Little Old Lady.” Therefore, I thought of LOL as an appropriate description of myself.
One day my daughter-in-law accompanied me on a visit to my family doctor. She told the doctor that I was “tough.” I considered it as it was intended –a compliment. I decided that instead of LOL, an apt description of me would be TOG. After all, I am a “Tough Old Gal.”
As I began thinking of myself that way, I gained confidence which faltered when one of my friends exclaimed, “Oh! You’re a Tough Old Grandma!” That was a dart into the balloon of my delusion. Pop!
Looking into my mirror one day, reality hit full force. Any way I looked at myself—my face showed the truth.  I decided to compromise, “I will be a Tough Old Granny TOG.” Well, it sounded better at the time—less pompous. And in actuality, I had been a granny for over thirty years.
When I told my grandchildren about my being a TOG, one of them replied, “But Grandma, you’ll have to add another ‘G,’ you have great-grandchildren now—so you are a Tough Old Great-Granny—a TOGG.” They were right; I’d written about that:
                        GREAT EXPECTATIONS
                        There’s been Catherine the Great,
                        Alexander the Great,
                        Also Peter the Great,
                        Even the Great Gatsby.
                        But when it came to “great.”
                        I never thought ‘That’s me.”                                     
                        A big hurrah—
                        For I’ve become a Great-Grandma!
Although I was proud of being a great-grandma, I tried to soften the thought. I decided to put a bit of LOL (the laugh part) into a personal concept of TOGG. I didn’t share it with others, but to myself I was a Tough Old Giddy Granny. It was easier to think of it that way.
The last several years, I have been doing a lot of writing sharing thoughts and opinions with others. I laughed as I said to myself, “You are now a TOGGG—a Tough Old Giddy, Gabby, Granny.”  If you think that I’m overreacting to all of this acronym business, you are right. I plead guilty—and that makes me a TOGGGG—a Tough Old, Giddy, Gabby, Guilty, Granny! From my viewpoint, by golly that beats being a Little Old Lady any way you count the score!

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